Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Road to Mirage, Week 3

Destiny: "Yes, I think I can." :p
Welcome to the summary of Week 3 in Destiny the Diviner's rise to being the first Wizard101 Champ-- er, sorry, Pokemon Sun and Moon on the brain. It's hard to hold off playing those games. :)

EDIT: And now Super Mario Maker 3DS, doing the Super Mario Challenge. ARGH! X(

I've been doing the Daily Assignments with the Gravulum Foundation, and the Dog gave me a nice rental mount to temporarily replace that god-awful Chinese Dragon. I'm sorry, but the Shinobi Dragon is horrible. I've been snapping shots of all the times it glitches into NPCs and I'll show a montage after the Road to Mirage is ended. :)

Of course, that was really a moot point and a trashed mount because !WOOT! thanks to being active on December 2nd, the account got a free promotional item - a PERMANENT magic carpet with the Astral symbols on it! Yeah, for shame making a lady stand on a flying carpet, but it sure beats a glitchy dragon that gives saddlesores! (Also, I had the holiday flying carpet for Sierra anyways.)

So, continuing to follow the journey of Blaze Firehammer and Ethan Iceblade, Sierra helped Destiny get through Grizz; it's pretty boring because it gives so little EXP at Level 40. I usually went to each area at the appropriate level but following the co-op of Ethan and Nate wasn't great.


Also, Triton and Tempest are pretty OP at that stage in the game, and Tempest will probably be Destiny's go-to for the rest of her digital life. It's just SO OP if you can get off seven power pips and you'll be buffing while waiting for that sweet spot, making the damage more OP. I was worried about dying on the Gurtok Barrier Demon since it's a Solo, but nope - threw out the Water Elemental to be a meat shield and bam, one-shot. ^_^

This shows how much contempt Destiny had towards the Coven - she read the final book in the Grizz histories while Sierra set up the wazoo for them. :)

Grizz was pretty much completed in two days. Even the Coven was a joke. I did have to port briefly into the two side areas around Nidavellir to get the Yardbird and history tome for those areas(and Sierra got freakin' pulled by the Grendel Scarsippers, big jerks), but I didn't bother fighting the two brothers of Jotun seperately like I did the first time I went through Nidavellir. :p

I returned to Marley and found this shady mutt... but it turns out his "new kind of magic" isn't actually drugs, it's castle magic. Yep, the Mirage update has finally come to the Spiral and with it comes silly magical cards that you can bind to objects to make them do silly things, including casting spell effects like the type you see in the spell quests. Once we're uber rich, we'll be turning our Alolan(aka the Island) Getaway into a funhouse. XD

While Blaze and Blue went straight to the second Secret Dungeon, Barkingham Palace, I held off until after Grizz was done and dusted because this place is TOUGH. Poor Sierra nearly died in the final battles. (Mainly because I swapped out her old pet for one with Fairy Friend, thus dropping her resist to 36% for universal. Still, Mr. Hound is no joke.)

Fun new ring to replace the old one - yeah, we lose a lot of Mana, but I can't ignore 12% increase in healing to self. :) She also fished up some Dekoi in the fountain as well as a chest... with a Fire-only wand. Boo. :(

Anyways, it was mostly just the big bug vaporizing everything. Sierra got hit with a bunch of unlucky Wild Bolts which did mass damage to her. Ouch!

After that, it was on to Dragonspyre to stop the insane warlock Malistaire. This place is pretty depressing with all the lava and undead and ghosts and draconians. Ugh. Destiny got to Level 48 well before she could access the Labyrinth to get her Storm Lord spell...

But it was worth it in the end. This will be the go-to when I don't want to waste time building up pips. (I got lazy in Crystal Grove and my game froze up and crashed as I was finishing up side-quests. I didn't want to do anything more with Wizard on the 3rd. :( )

I won't bore you with the details, I have a ton of screenshots of Destiny's travels through the three rings of Dragonspire, which went pretty well. I tried to get the materials to complete the Master Artisan crafting quests but Diamonds were a pain to harvest, so I just said "f*** it" and cleared the Great Spire, faced Malistaire, yada yada. Everything died to Mystic Colossus.

I wanted to be epic and let Destiny fulfill her, well, destiny, but when Storm Lord decided to freaking FIZZLE, I threw my hands up and got a nice Tempest to wash that evil warlock into the Abyss. :p

The game capitulated and gave me the Grandmaster Storm robe. (Hides behind a bunker to avoid the millions of angry Grandmasters who got the wrong school robe; hey, it's happened to Sierra! Sheesh!)

So I decided to do the Society Archives quest line, which you may call me out for insanity on. I understand; this is not for the weak-hearted. You have to do three solo fights(one which nearly DESTROYED Destiny because I wasn't getting my attack cards) and then go up a dungeon which has two very nasty cheating bosses. In foresight, I would say the Archives Warehouse bosses aren't as bad as, say, the Tower of the Helephant, but they're tricky. I would have destroyed the Crab Boss and avoided the skeletal counterattacks had Mystic Colossus not fizzled while Destiny was attacking! Murphy's Law was smokin' mushrooms and laughing at my misfortune.

It did not help that the girl we teamed up with had one of those May Cast wands that summoned Hephaestus and busted all my traps, and I couldn't even talk with her, she refused to listen. X(


But all in all, we survived(and had to flee battle because the rats decided to respawn X( ) and Destiny found out that someone had put the Nomad Camp from the Mirage Keeper's Bundle on tour, so she got to fish up some rare fish that are near-impossible or seasonal. She even caught the Qismah Doodlefish with only a Rank 1 Lure! :D After that, she hit Rank 5 in fishing and was able to buy the Rank 2 lures(she was super-rich now).

The remaining two days were spent exploring Grizz Part 2, aka Wintertusk, and meeting the Wizard101 Narrator --- I mean, Grandmother Raven, and helping her get the Golden Seals to ensure that the Ice Titan never woke up. Wanna bet that the Coven are behind this? :)

Conclusion: Progress is coming along 'swimmingly' - the reason I haven't done Celestia is because I'm following Blaze and Blue and also because Sudrilund is where Destiny has to solo another fiend to get her second special spell at Level 55 and get her first universal resist armor to replace the stuff she has now; Malistaire's Wrap is nice but now that we've crossed over into "Enemies get full pippage and can RYNO(Ratchet and Clank reference) with high level spells out of the gate" territory, Destiny's health is not going to be enough to avoid dying without serious universal resist. Of course, I will need to do Pierce's quest in the Floating Land, but that's what Sierra is for. When I get up tomorrow, first thing is to get Destiny ported to the Floating Land to train in Monstrous so her Storm Lords do enough damage to one-shot Wintertusk mobs which aren't Storm.

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