Thursday, November 10, 2016

Uh... November Fool's? :(

The little brother of Final Fantasy's Sandworm. ^_^

So... stuff has been happening left and right and guess what? New Wizard101 world already!

I've been... busy. Hey, don't judge me! I need to clear up my PS backlog and Reynn is now my waifu, shut up! X(

Since I spent so much money in October(and nearly broke my bank account), I have to be conservative for November. I didn't spend any time on Wizard101 and that's a shame as Mirage is shaping up to be one of my favorites. Can you blame me? Their city is called AGGROBAH for Pete's sake! That's some serious Disney Kingdom Hearts right there!

And it looks like there are new attack spells but they have a twist - they are pretty strong for 4-pip spells, but the twist is that you can decide how many targets they hit. This sort of thing is going to be great in team play - one of the bad things about area attack spells is that in boss fights, they hit the boss, and sometimes you just don't want your spell to harm the boss(like, say, if your team is setting up for a big hammer smash on the boss with a spell that it's weak to but your attack spell will undo all of the hard work and you want to take out the mooks who are weak to your attacks); these spells have ya covered - you can take out the weakling mooks and the team can buff up and destroy the boss without you ruining all their days by consuming their traps. :)

It requires a lot of strategy, but overall it's a nice touch.

I'm going to be getting some decent money soon and while some of it is going towards Pokemon Sun and Moon, I may refresh my Wizard101 time so I can get some characters to Polaris. Yes, I haven't even gotten any of my characters past Khrysalis yet. Boo to me. :(

I really do not want to delete my characters and stop playing Wizard101, especially now that Arc 3 is way underway, but it's hard to divide time between MMOs and your other games, especially with the new Pokemon games coming out. Well, we'll see what comes up.

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