Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Road to Mirage, Week 1

Remember that one blog I made about a Frugal Conjurer? Well, she's back in action!


Remember that one NPC, Nalia Dunestrider, way back in Wysteria? Well, turns out her home world is going to appear in Wizard101 soon, so... time for me to pay for some time and get back into Wizard101 to get a wizard to Mirage! Therefore this blog is a Road to Mirage for one new wizard...

And I chose the perfect School, Storm. Yeah, I love Balance, but Storm is pretty strong and has some great area-of-attack spells. But I wasn't going to set her as a n00b...

I broke down and purchased the Shinobi Bundle for Destiny, my Diviner. She's on the same account as my Level 97 Necromancer who is 1/3 of the way through Khrysalis(and is gardening Couch Potatoes so Destiny can get some great pets) and I love the Shellnobi Warrior, I mean, KI had to go there with the TMNT reference. ^_^

Of course, I gave the Level 10 Gear, all of her gear was replaced. (The girl in the back is Sierra Fairyfriend, going incognito.)

So back through Wizard City we go! However, don't expect a world tour - the Road to Mirage is fast and furious, and I spent every day going through each part of the game to get Destiny higher and higher in level... which backfired because I realized I was going to go through Winterbane and its kin, but now that Destiny is almost Grandmaster at the time of this post, the enemies will be Nintendo Hard so yeah, I'll have to shanghai a third account to send a weak wizard in to nerf the enemies so Destiny can get all of the badges. :(


The week went by really fast. The game started on November 15th, a mere three days before Pokemon Sun & Moon came out, and by the time those titles dropped, Destiny(with the help of the Frugal Conjurer) got through Wizard City's story and brought down Lord Nightshade and the fake Riverclaw King in Crab Alley. And I nerfed Sierra too!

(Basically, I had Sierra use a Blood Bat deck until Unicorn Way was done, then Troll until Cyclops Lane and Cyclops until the end of Wizard City. Then she used the Frog until the end of Marleybone.)


By the end of the week, Destiny was past Krokotopia, completed Kembaalung, and was halfway through Marleybone and already belting out the Uber spell, Tempest. ^_^

See ya next week!

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