Thursday, November 9, 2017

Zero $ A Day: Prelude

Since I learned I could transfer all of my bundle houses to other wizards on my account by putting them in the shared bank(but you can only do this one per three months), I decided to delete my first Necromancer on Katie's account(Katie is on her own blog so I'll discuss her adventures there) and work on a full-game walkthrough for a new character, so this blog is mainly tips and tricks for Wizard101. This part is inspired by Skelemystk and his video about how you can buy every area in the game for free Crowns, so I decided to try it, at least up to Dragonspyre.

So here is my new Necromancer on Christina's account. As you can see by the big Upgrade button in the upper-left corner, it has no membership so we're stuck in Free-to-Play.

I plan on having a post for each area I buy. For the record, here is a table of all of the areas in Wizard City and how much in Crownage they cost along with a full total at the end:
  • Wizard City: 750 Crowns each with 5 areas = 3750 Crowns
  • Krokotopia: 915 Crowns each with 13 areas =11,895 Crowns
  • Wysteria: 1000 Crowns each with 3 areas = 3000 Crowns
  • Marleybone: 1200 Crowns each with 10 areas = 12,000 Crowns
  • Mooshu: 1200 Crowns each with 9 areas =10,800 Crowns
  • Dragonspyre: 1200 Crowns each with 9 areas = 10,800 Crowns
  • Celestia: 1695 Crowns each with 6 areas = 10,170 Crowns
  • Zafaria: 1695 Crowns each with 6 areas = 10,170 Crowns
  • Avalon: 1695 Crowns each with 6 areas = 10,170 Crowns
  • Grizzleheim/Wintertusk: 1995 Crowns each with 9 areas = 17,955 Crowns
  • Azteca: 1995 Crowns each with 6 areas = 11,970 Crowns
  • Khrysalis: 1995 Crowns each with 6 areas = 11,970 Crowns
  • Polaris: 1995 Crowns each with 5 areas = 9975 Crowns
  • Mirage: 1995 Crowns each with 6 areas = 11,970 Crowns
  • Empryea: 1995 Crowns each with 3 areas = 5985 Crowns (will increase with Part 2)
  • Total Amount: 152,580 Crowns
The totals are off because while there are a number of areas in each world, you can buy multiple areas in some cases with only one payment. For example, you can buy the Oasis, Altar of Kings and Royal Hall for the same 915 Crowns. So it's cheaper in some parts.

I am not including the sub-space worlds in this total but here is a little breakdown of the smaller areas you will find:
  • Aquila: The Garden of Hesperides is free but the three Dungeons cost a total of 9735 Crowns. You can rent a dungeon for six hours for 645 Crowns, however.
  • Four Dungeons: Buy for a total of 8980 Crowns or rent one of these areas for six hours for 495 Crowns.
I will probably be renting the above and doing runs of them for six hours marathons since they involve very dangerous gimmick bosses.

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Unfortunately, it looks like Destiny is retired. I have been away from the game for a long time because money cannot be shared. (Honestly, I had $200 at one time, and I waste it. :( )

But I have come back...

Unfortunately, starting over from scratch yet again, this time as an Ice Wizard...

And a Death and a Balance on two accounts. This time my third and original account are going to be focused on and given the paid time. I've decided that I am going to TRY to get these guys to Mirage by hook or by crook. I plan on creating a new story blog soon. Sorry!

If I ever get on Patreon and start raising money via live streams, I might be able to fund Destiny again. Sadly, that won't happen for a long time.

Monday, January 9, 2017

The Road to Mirage, Week 8

(Sadly, the next post is short because I only could for half a week. As I had mentioned, I had been late with the rent, which cost me $70 of my Social Security check. Add in energy bills and trash/water bills, and that means I only have around $100-140 left in my account, not enough for even a month's worth of groceries unless I rough it on ramen and hot dogs. Because of that, every penny must go towards food and I cannot afford to buy anything too frivolous[unless I trade in some games for store credit and I only have one so far.] I spent $60 on PSN cards to pre-purchase something on my account and thus I am low on funds. Therefore, I have decided to stop playing Wizard101 and uninstall the launcher [or folder it] until next month. It's not a fun thing to do but sacrifices have to be made and I have a lot of backlogged games on my consoles I need to finish. Pray for me! :( )

(In the meantime, enjoy these two parts.)

I admit I took three days off. I just didn't feel in the mood to quest, until I found out that I had little time with Destiny until February. So I made the most of it by bumrushing it again.

First off was Zultun Docks and Cloudburst Forest, which weren't too hard. Destiny kept shrugging - why were the bad guys so dang predictable? :p

Destiny got a nice Balanceblade jewel for a future amulet...

Annnnnd her own Lord of Winter Experience. Ugh. :(

Then it was on to Alto Alto... and more shrugging. (Yeah, this was a Kodak moment; Destiny was right in the middle of the cutscene and was shrugging about how dumb Morgie was to ignore her.)

But she eventually hit Blessed Level 88...

And now she rules the skies! ^_^ (Sadly, Storm Owl was not cast as often as it should; 10 pips is a lot to ask for a powerful spell.)

After that, it was time to descend into Terra De Bria and Pitch Black Lake to stop Morgie from corrupting the Pyramid of Mother Moon...

Hold on a sec...

Sierra: "Resistance? WHAT resistance?" :p

Yep, Sierra was landing Criticals left and right(thanks to her staff) and even managed to one-shot unprismed Myth enemies. Destiny had a Storm Lord all set up and BOOM, Sierra steals the show.

Destiny: "Whose idea was it to give a War Challenge to this idiot? Oh yeah, that bird princess." X(

(Destiny nearly died in this battle. I was sort of ticked off too because of that cheat he used.)

Destiny: "Really?"

Destiny: "No, I did not, Morgie. Why do people think that they can kill a super-powerful warlock who could SHIELD by dropping a ton of rocks on her head? IT NEVER WORKS."

It was obvious that Morgie was always going to be fathoms ahead of our heroines. (Spoilers: I've cleared Azteca on three characters. I know how it goes down.)

Knowing that Azteca was doomed, I decided to... clean up my Azteca backlog, which wasn't easy. It was tons of mob fights and boss fights. The only easy one was collecting aquatic life for a stew for King Axeya to give to Pacal. Still, it did bring Destiny to the status of Promethean(Level 90)...

Destiny: "Sadly, that's my life. Storm spells aren't really great - ask any Pokemon trainer who tried to use Thunder." :(

And you know what THAT entails!

Yep, Tartarus. We managed to have Destiny and Sierra rope in a couple of guys(A Balance and an Ice) to help us out...

Destiny: "Ha! I rock!"
Adding the Storm Owl experience to her list, now she has all three elemental 10-pip spells cast on her! (Ouch!)
Of course, the Ice dude got his revenge by smashing Poseidon(who cast that Owl) with Lord of Winter's big ice pillars.
But it still wasn't easy. The battle vs. Hades was one of Destiny's most epic moments...

Sierra: "I HATE MAZES!" X(

And yeah, Sierra got lost in one of the Gorgon mazes while looking for Lionheatt Leaves, so she had to port out and come back and walk ALLLLLL the way back, taking up valuable time against Cerberus... and then she cast Mystic and failed to kill, triggering its gangbang cheat that killed Destiny. Cerberus is probably harder than Hades and his brothers! O_O

But in the end, it was worth it. Destiny got a lot of junk from the three Immortal Rulers. Hades dropped the Staff of Tumult, the same Ultimate Staff that Sierra got on her first Tart Run. Now Destiny will be critical-hitting for days, mwa ha ha! XD

And I decided to blow most of her Crowns on the second-chance chest and the second use of the chest... wait for it...

Yielded the Hades Ultimate Armor! Woo! 200 more crowns were spent unstitching the Skyscream Cape(I had worked hard for that!) and stitching in this to my transmog. (Yeah, it's not as rounded as the Skyscream Cape, but it gives pierce and power pip chance, and my gawd, we need all the power pip % we can get! Destiny had a hard time summoning the owl because she kept getting white pips.)

The week ended with a brief stint in the Floating Mountains which I didn't show. (I had no time to game because I had to help my dad with a community garden to get some money back in my bank account so I could eat. Ciao for now!)

The first 2017 post! Road to Mirage, Week 7!

Welp, it is now 2017, we have a racist multi-millionare mogul in the President's office, nuclear war is inevitable because some idiot did a prank story... but before we all become irradiated zombies, I want to complete Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and hopefully get to Mirage, and we've come so far from Unicorn Way, so let's get this log under wraps!

EDIT: My dad told me that it was a false alarm, said Pakistani defense minister got laughed at for falling for the prank and he can't do jackalope about it as he's just on the bottom of the ladder for pushing the Doomsday Button. Phew! Still, it scared me! :(

First off, I love Avalon, I really do... but the longer it takes to do it, the less time I get on Wiz, and I really wanted to complete all of the bundle gauntlets but thanks to Destiny being close to Archmage status now, I don't see that happening anytime soon as I'm not spending money on the Cuckoo Clock or Jousting bundles (especially this month since I was an idiot and not only spent all my personal funds on pre-ordering Kingdom Hearts 2.8 digitally but was super-late with my rent check, so I had to play $70 for a late fee, which means I have to go back to free-to-play after the 15th because I won't have enough money to buy another month of Wiz! *facepalm*) and you cannot enter them in Castle Tours, you have to actually be at the house. Same with Spiral Cup Gauntlet, but at least Sierra has it.

The only human in Avalon. Poor thing can't get laid. :p
So I just bumrushed it. Outer Yard, Lake Shore, the works in one day. I almost died at Black Annie because I didn't know how her vampire stun cheat worked and thought it was similar to Belloq's Ra cheat, so I had Destiny use the deck of weak attacks. Turns out the cheat activates for Black Annie if you place a trap on her or attack her with ANY single-target attack. Oops. We managed to make it out alive, though, but I spent 100 Crowns to get the Life Gorilla to heal us.

Wait... I'm getting ahead of myself.

Destiny: "I WASTED 60000 GOLD ON YOU?!?!?" X(
First off, we completed the Tomb of the Nameless Knight, met Sir Malory, and helped him absolve some of his sins. Then we got into Dun Dara and helped Queen Gwendolyn out a bit, having to fight a few million things. I also bought the spell recipe for Queen Calypso and Catalan, spells I'll probably never craft as they're not so great and require a s***ton of Amber and Sunstones. Sierra also got Athena Battlesight's spell, again rotting in the recipe list for eternity. It's not that great of an attack.

Had no idea why this Level 110 guy was here, maybe he was farming Deer Knights for the badge?
After that it was Lake Shore, Black Annie(who nearly killed Destiny because I misunderstood the cheat) and releasing the Lady of the Lake and restoring the second-to-last shrine of virtue. We dove into Deepwater, took out all four bosses, rebuilt the teleporter into the Catacombs, and made our way through. Finally got all of the Crows and Tapestries and completed those quests after completing Avalon, and Destiny reached the Night Garden in the Crystal Caves. (Sadly, nobody had any Stone Keys, but it doesn't matter as Takaboshi is the only key boss I am fighting right now. I am not confident to taking on the other key bosses, especially the one in Azteca... WHY THE F*** DID THEY PUT HIM IN A PLACE YOU HAVE TO FIGHT THREE FIGHTS TO GET TOO, INCLUDING A BOSS? ARGH! X(  )

Luckily, I found a group of fellow wizards(a Theurgist, a Sorcerer and a Necromancer) who were completing the quests as I was, and we managed to work together to clear Ghost Avalon. I had bladed up to the max to one-shot Young Morgie, but someone activated the "ENOUGH OF THAT!" cheat which quaked off all the blades. (That guy is on my s*** list. J/K!)

Also, as you can see in the screenshot above, there is a name glitch - the names over our characters were wrong and they disappeared from our icons on the battle screen. It's unnerving. I hope enough people report this problem to KI because even though it's not game-affecting, it's disturbing. (Zenmaster Blue got the name Amber while in Ghost Avalon and make jokes about it.)


Regardless, Destiny paid her dues, became a true Knight of the Silver Rose, and led the charge to defeat the Pendragon and restore King Artorius to full health. As a bonus, Destiny is now the proud owner of the Sword of Kings. (Which she promptly ditched halfway through Azteca and is now decorating her Island Hut. Sorry, King Arty. No disrespect.)

With that out of the way, it was time for Destiny to explore the even more sweltering heat of Azteca. It didn't help the mood that a giant freaking comet was about to crash into the place! :(

Even though I took off time from the game to celebrate the coming of 2017, and got back into Maplestory and bumrushed a Mercedes to Level 150 so I could get her link skill to my main, I was still able to get enough time in the Spiral to advance significantly.

And now Destiny witnessed the glory of the 10-pip spells... sadly, the first experience was on her body as she was assaulted by a Sun Serpent. Ouch.


And then Belloq returned... and promptly kicked Destiny's @$$. Welcome to Azteca, everyone! :p

Past Me: "Idiot, that screenshot was something else!"

Oops, sorry, I've sort of erased most of the boss fights from my mind, they're mostly forgettable. :(

I spent some time cleaning up all the side-quests in Wintertusk to get Wintertusk's badge, and also to clean up my backlog. Once I get my time back, I'll take a week to completely clear out the remainder of my side-quest backlog. I just wanted to get through the worlds fast and see how much backlog I could accrue. (Result: 15 pages! Yikes! O_O)

By the end of the week, Sierra helped Destiny get to Zultun Docks, and through the uses of 4000 Crowns worth of Level 120 Henches, Destiny was able to survive the battles that netted her Galvanic Field(tossing Berserk for good) and the Sharpened Blade and Potent Trap spells... now if only I could make a Treasure Card out of Potent Trap so I could craft that Eagle War Shield for the crafting quest!

(Yep, that TC hasn't dropped from any boss Destiny has fought! WHAT THE HECK RNG?!?!? X( )

Sierra: "I need hazard pay for this." :(

Welcome to Azteca, everyone! :p

Monday, December 26, 2016

The Road to Mirage, Week 6

I hope you all had a happy Christmas, readers! As for me, my Wizard101 experience had been sparse at best and frustrating at worst. I had some obligations to my other non-online games and I also had some other issues: After all, the Spiral just became more dangerous for my little Diviner, Destiny. Being the most glass of glass cannons in magic terms is NOT a fun thing, but the "cannon" part was way too tempting to her, so she rolled with it.


Needless to say, this is the one wizard I funded the most with my real cash - the Level 120 henchmen are worth every crown. I would have just ignored the pet quest for my Kraken pet had it not been for these guys. (And yes, I will have to buy more crowns to keep up the addiction.)

First off, I decided to spend all day Tuesday(until my dentist appointment) getting through the rest of Zafaria. It wasn't too hard with Sierra's help, just four annoying mini-bosses, a dungeon which ended in a mob fight, and then MIRROR LAKE.

Yeah, I got a LOT of rare Xmas drops in Mirror Lake - including three Xmas pets(and a Nutcracker which I had always wanted because it has Fairy Friend as a talent) and two Xmas aquariums. WTF, Spiral?!?! O_O
Mirror Lake was dealt with the same way I dealt with all other dungeons after Dragonspyre - I teamed up with strong strangers. :) After that, it was time to head to the next world, Avalon, which is now tied with Zafaria as my favorite world.

The Death Skullrat minion really saved my bacon against the Good Jade Oni. Life isn't weak!
After getting the quest to learn about the Council of Light, I put away my wand and hat for the rest of the week - I had to platinum inFAMOUS Second Son on Wednesday and took my Pokemon games and Adventures of Mana to Houston for a night to open gifts and have lunch with my little sister and her son. I gave MJ a lovely Popplio plushie thanks to my dad's investigative powers of Amazon. ^_^

One of the gifts I got was a Gamestop Card... which immediately went to Pokemon Moon #2. Sorry, no Mirage Bundle. Not like I care, those bundle houses are Mudbray dookie anyways and took expensive for their rewards. :(

Worst solo battle ever, this was the lowest my HP was... and I got knocked out by the next hit! (However, KI updated so you don't automatically lose if you have a minion, so the Life minion saved Destiny for a terrible fate.)
Time to take on the wilds of Avalon! I did manage to get Destiny knighted as a Squire before leaving for my sister's place and got the first Avalon spell... which is complete GARBAGE, but...

It had to be done to get the second Avalon spell quest, which gives Destiny her own storm-type healing spell. Yep, it's as random as Wild Bolt...

But Wild Bolt can surprise you. :) (And yes, I know this is Tempest, but just showing how uber Tempest can be with enough buffs.)

Tested this Anti-Santa guy out... never using it again. :\
The day I got back from Houston(I got back a little past noon, to my surprise), I got on Wiz and knocked out Destiny's promotion to Armiger quickly. Caer Lyon is pretty small and if you ignore sidequests can be done in a day.


The Wild, however, was not so short or simple - first you have to do a dungeon to rescue a knight (luckily, I wasn't as dumb as Zenmaster B and got the potion puzzle correct so I skipped one boss fight; as a plus, Destiny's attack deck now has a protocol against Storm mobs now) and someone whined about needing help in the Savannah. I was trying to get over my car lag so I stopped playing for the rest of the day after that.


On Christmas Eve I finally got to the Winter Wyrm but didn't fight him until Christmas Day due to the fact that I was restless - I had to go to Midnight Mass and then I had to go to bed after getting back. It was three AM when I got to sleep, so I overslept and woke up at 11 AM on Christmas Day.

Hey, nice head dude. XD
After presents and holly, I did get some Wiz time before Christmas Dinner(which happened at 9 PM because my sister Ruth works the night shift as a candy-striper at the local hospital) and finally helped build a war ostrich(???), find a minstrel's lute, and was set on the path to one of the two obstacles to completing the story of this world and gaining Azteca... The Jabberwock.

And nobody was insane enough to fight him on Christmas Day. Figures. :(

This is my first wizard who actually got max gold! Those junk gear drops in Avalon are worth a LOT.
"Twas a long, hard, bloody road... and I had to rely on a double-wizard and a Level 120 Storm Minion to save my hide."
As you can tell, my attempts to get help for the Jabberwock had me teamed up against a group that died to the fiend's Uber Meteor Strike. I realized that super bosses like this can't be blitzed through, you have to have a specific deck setup... and a lot of Crowns. KI has found the means to force us to pay money; make enemies with stupid gimmicks that cannot be cleared by bum-rushing. I'm down to 1900 crowns now because I used some to restitch my robe, as it's not seasonal to wear a Santa Robe on the day AFTER Christmas.

I eventually reached the Wyrd and got to the Tomb of the Nameless Knight... but I had to go buy food in 15 minutes and after that I swore I'd work on my platinum trophies, so that was it for Wizard101 that day and the last day of the week. Have a Merry Quest-mas and a happy New Year! ^_^